Wednesday, November 17, 2010


On January 5, 2011, for the first time in 20 years, Connecticut will have a governor from the Democratic party, to go along with a state legislature dominated in near veto-proof numbers by the Democrats. Therefore, as a public service, I am offering "Dan's Top 40." It is a checklist for concerned citizens, to follow the Democratic Party agenda, i.e. bills passed by the General Assembly and signed into law by Governor Dannel Malloy. This list is not necessarily in order of importance.

1. Increase in income tax rate
2. Increase in sales tax rate
3. Increase in gasoline tax
4. Increase in fees, licenses, etc.
5. Return of the gift tax
6. Return of toll booths
7. Churches lose tax exempt status
8. Municipalities permitted to impose more taxes, i.e. a local sales tax
9. Cap and tax, of which Connecticut is a part, to be expanded
10. Death penalty abolished
11. Plastic bags banned in supermarkets, or pay a fee to use them
12. Elephants banned from circus
13. More bottles and containers subjected to bottle deposit law
14. Happy meals banned or heavily taxed
15. Other comfort food subjected to taxes
16. State run healthcare - Sustinet - approved
17. Paid sick leave mandated
18. Taxpayer money underwrites new Hartford arena to lure NHL franchise
19. More gun control legislation
20. In-state tuition at state universities for children of illegal aliens
21. Free electricity, year round, for families of three or more children
22. Transgender rights
23. Abortions mandated at Roman Catholic owned hospitals
24. Smoking banned in all public and private places and banned in casinos
25. Smoking banned in motor vehicles, containing children
26. Medicinal marijuana approved
27. Marijuana decriminalized with possession of one ounce or less
28. Outdoor furnances banned
29. Lawn mower, weed wackers, and any outdoor power equipment subjected to
emission controls or banned entirely
30. Seat belts mandated on all school buses (hidden property tax hike)
31. Mandated energy efficient windows on all new installations
32. Wearing helmet while driving or riding a motorcycle mandated
33. Mandated universal preschool (hidden property tax hike)
34. More camera installations on highways and intersections to arrest drivers (revenue raiser)
35. Styrofoam cups banned
36. Mandated "energy" saving lightbulbs
37. Electricity deregulation ended with passage of SB493 (More government bureaucracy)
38. Election day registration permitted
39. Early voting permitted
40. Minimum wage raised